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BOH Minutes 10-13-09
October 13, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Barbara Poremba, Chairperson, Marc Salinas, Martin Fair, Dr. Larissa Lucas, Noreen Case, Gayle Sullivan

OTHERS PRESENT: David Greenbaum, Acting Health Agent, Stephen Pinto, Councilor Liaison, Heather Lyons, Clerk

MEMBERS EXCUSED:  Kemith LeBlanc, Tracey Giarla, PHN

1. Call to Order

2. Minutes of Last Meeting
          (Sept. 15, 2009)
Meeting called to order by Dr. Poremba, Chair, at 7:09pm.

Unanimously approved with corrections.

3. Chairperson Announcements
Available by request
    4. Monthly Reports-Updates

  • Administrative Report

  • Acting Health Agent Report

  • Public Health Nurse Report

  • City Council Liaison Updates

5. Old Business
  • Tattoo and Body Art Report

  • Health Agent Position

6. New Business

  • Transfer Station Site Visits

  • Public Hearing Date & Protocols

Presented by Heather Lyons, Clerk of the Board
Available by request

Reported by David Greenbaum.
Household Hazardous Waste Day was successful.
Previously proposed drive-through traffic flow plan for food service establishment on Canal St. was presented and has met prior stipulations from the BOH.

Available by request
Discussion about the H1N1 situation.
David Greenbaum explained that the plan at this time is to have school based clinics for grades 6 to 12 during school hours; clinics for elementary children will most likely be scheduled for a Saturday in order to allow a parent to accompany their child(ren).
The BOH will update the public as soon as it has more information.

None presented    

Subcommittee of M. Salinas, N. Casey and G. Sullivan met on October 12, 2009 at 6:00pm as publicly posted.
Micro-pigmentation, apprenticeships, and guest artists were discussed. The subcommittee discussed the addition of apprenticeships and guest artists and the possible need of a public hearing to amend the regulations. More information is needed on micro-pigmentation before updating the board. The committee will submit a written report to the BOH prior to the December meeting

Discussion re: Interim vs. Permanent Health Agent including past discussion and vote on the health agent position.
M. Salinas stated that it was his recollection that there was a subcommittee established for regionalization and a prior voting of a permanent health agent’s position. G. Sullivan stated that she and B. Poremba agreed to investigate regionalization by meeting with the mayor. It was not either of their understanding that they were an official subcommittee. Their only meeting was with the mayor and they did not meet or discuss this meeting prior to their discussion with the full board.

The purpose of an Interim Health Agent position would include exploring the feasibility of regionalization or collaboration with other communities. This position would not be expected to exceed 1 year. If at that time regionalization or collaboration is determined an unviable option, the BOH may then proceed with hiring a permanent health agent.

David Greenbaum presented a budget proposal that would support both the hiring of an interim agent and increase in code enforcement position from half to full time.
See previous page for proposed budget.*

Motion to advertise for an Interim Health Agent,2nd.
3 in favor, 2 opposed, 1 abstention.
Motion passed.

Motion that a letter be sent to Human Resources requesting that Code Enforcement Officer Position be increased to fulltime position and for hiring of Interim Health Agent.
3 in favor, 2 opposed 1 abstention.
Motion passed.

G. Sullivan, B. Poremba, M. Fair, Jason Silva and Councilor Pelletier made a site visit to the North Andover Transfer Station on Friday Oct 2.  All plus L. Lucas toured Salem Transfer Station on Saturday Oct.3.
Discussion re: value of touring the sites to understanding the business operations and concerns. Chair advised all others to make every effort to make the scheduled tours for Fri Oct 15 and Oct 17 (see attached public notice). Those unable to make any of these times may call Robbie George directly who will gladly accommodate their individual needs.

Discussion re: public hearing and protocols including recording and posting of the hearing and making documents available at the public library.

Motion to schedule Public Hearing for Nov 10, 2009 at 7 PM.
Motion passes unanimously.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Heather Lyons
    Clerk of the Board

9:00 p.m.

Next regularly scheduled meeting is November 10, 2009 at 7pm
At City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, Room 311.